Craigslist is an excellent way to buy then sell items, nonetheless it can also be a dangerous place. While they have safe to use, you have to remember that scammers are regularly trying to reap the benefits of unwitting users. Here are a few advise for staying secure on craigslist:
Omit your personal information once posting an item for sale, especially the phone number and email address. This will help to to prevent info theft and ensure that you’re working with reputable sellers simply.
Use a protected current email address to send out sales or buying offers and do not give out the genuine current email address to a stranger. This will help to make it difficult ntc hosting review for a person to apply fake details on your name and get credit credit cards in your identity.
Always meet in a general public place, say for example a coffee shop or maybe a shopping center. Reaching in a general population place will minimize the chance for being cheated or attacked.
Bring someone along with you when coming up with transactions. Somebody will be able to give you some extra support and will reduce your chances of becoming mugged or otherwise threatened.
For anybody who is purchasing an electric or different high-tech item, make sure the purchaser can show you what they’re talking about prior to making a purchase. It is also a good idea to take cash with you.
Avoid ending up in a retailer in their home. A safe achieving place may be a public space, such as a cafe or packed area like a park.